Category Preview

Your Song:

Song Title *
Please enter song's title
Please enter song's title
Song Author(s) *
If more than one, please separate each name with a comma (Example: Adam Luis, Elena Paula)
Please enter song author(s)
Please enter song author(s)
Continent *
Which continent/region your music belongs to?
  • - Select a continent -
  • Africa
  • Antarctica
  • Asia
  • Australasia
  • Europe
  • Middle East
  • North America
  • Pangea
  • South America
- Select a continent -
Please select your continent
Please select your continent
Select your music category
  • - Select a continent first -
  • - select a continent first -
- Select a continent first -
Field is required!
Field is required!
  • - Select your music category - *
  • African Contemporary
  • African Electro
  • African Folk
  • African Hip Hop
  • African Jazz
  • African Pop
  • African Reggae/Ragga/Dancehall
  • African RnB/Soul
  • African Rock
  • Afro-juju
  • Boomba
  • Funaná
  • Genge
  • Jit
  • Kalindula
  • Kizomba
  • Kuduro
  • Kwaito
  • Makossa
  • Marrabenta
  • Mbalax
  • Mbube
  • Morna
  • Museve
  • Ndombolo
  • Palm-wine a.k.a. Maringa
  • Pandza
  • Raï
  • Sakara
  • Salegy
  • Sega
  • Semba
  • Shangaan electro
  • Soukous
  • Sungura
  • Taarab
  • Zouglou
  • Other
- Select your music category - *
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category - *
  • Art Music
  • Fusion Music
  • Middle Eastern Alternative
  • Middle Eastern Electronic
  • Middle Eastern Hip-Hop
  • Middle Eastern Pop
  • Middle Eastern Rock
  • Middle Eastern Folk
  • Oriental
  • Oriental Jazz
  • Traditional Folk Music
  • Tarab
  • Other
- Select your music category - *
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category -
  • Alternative
  • Blues
  • Contemporary Instrumental
  • Dance/Electronic
  • Folk
  • Jazz
  • Latin Music
  • Pop
  • R&B
  • Rap
  • Rock
  • American Roots
  • Cajun Music
  • Country
  • Creole Music/Zydeco
  • Gospel/Contemporary Christian
  • Hawaiian Music
  • Native American Music
  • Reggae
  • Other
- Select your music category -
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category -
  • Bossa Nova
  • Cumbia
  • Flamenco
  • Latin Alternative
  • Latin Folk
  • Latin Jazz
  • Latin Pop/Rock
  • Latin Urban
  • MPB
  • Norton
  • Reggaeton
  • Salsa
  • Samba
  • Sertaneja
  • Tango
  • Tejano
  • Tropical
  • Other
- Select your music category -
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category -
  • Folk of Antarctica
  • Science of Antarctica
  • Sound of Antarctica
  • Other
- Select your music category -
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category -
  • Asian Classical
  • Asian Dance & Electronic
  • Asian Folk
  • Asian Hip Hop & Urban
  • Asian Jazz & Crossover
  • Asian Metal & Hardcore
  • Asian Pop
  • Asian R&B & Soul
  • Asian Rock
  • Bollywood Music
  • Buddhist Chanting
  • Carnati
  • Gagaku
  • Hindustani
  • Nohgaku
  • Rajasthan
  • Sufi folk rock / Sufi rock
  • Tamang Selo
  • Uttarakhandi
  • Zhongguo Feng
  • Other
- Select your music category -
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category -
  • Aboriginal rock
  • Australasian Blues & Roots
  • Australasian Dance
  • Australasian Folk/Country
  • Australasian Hard Rock/Heavy Metal
  • Australasian Jazz
  • Australasian Pop
  • Australasian Rock
  • Australasian Urban
  • Bunggul
  • Kun-borrk
  • Maori Music
  • Micronesian Music
  • Music of Marshall Islands
  • Music of Tuvalu
  • Wangga
- Select your music category -
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category -
  • Alpine Folk
  • Basque Folk
  • Britpop
  • Catalan Folk
  • Celtic
  • Chanson
  • European Alternative
  • European Electronic & Techno
  • European Folk
  • European Hip-Hop
  • European Jazz
  • European Metal
  • European Rock
  • Europop
  • Flamenco
  • Latin
  • Nordic Folk
  • Romani Folk
  • Romanian Folk
  • Other
- Select your music category -
Please select your music category
Please select your music category
  • - Select your music category -
  • Ambient
  • Classical
  • New Age
  • World Music
  • Soundtrack
  • Singer/Songwriter
  • Other
- Select your music category -
Please select your music category
Please select your music category

How would you like to submit your music? *

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Field is required!
Please select how would you like to submit music
Please select how would you like to submit music
Choose File...
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Field is required!

*Upload must be in .mp3 or .m4a file format and a maximum of 14 MB

**It would be helpful if the file name matches the music title (for example: MusicTitle.mp3)

***Please note depending on the size of your uploaded files, it may takes a few moments for the file to upload once you have clicked "Proceed to Checkout" button. So please allow a few moments before the next page loads. **

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Field is required!
Copy the ink to your music/video here
Please enter a valid url
Please enter a valid url
Additional information (optional)
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Field is required!

Your 3rd Cover Song:

3nd Cover Song Title *
Please enter song's title
Please enter song's title
3rd Song Original Artist/Band *
Please enter song author(s)
Please enter song author(s)
  • - Select your music category -
  • Adult Contemporary
  • Classical
  • Country
  • Dance/Electronic
  • Hip-Hop/R&B/Soul
  • Spiritual/Religious
  • Folk
  • Pop
  • Rock/Alternative
  • Other
- Select your music category -
Field is required!
Field is required!

How would you like to submit your music? *

Field is required!
Field is required!
Please select how would you like to submit music
Please select how would you like to submit music
Choose File...
Field is required!
Field is required!

*Upload must be in .mp3 or .m4a file format and a maximum of 14 MB

**It would be helpful if the file name matches the music title (for example: MusicTitle.mp3)

***Please note depending on the size of your uploaded files, it may takes a few moments for the file to upload once you have clicked "Proceed to Checkout" button. So please allow a few moments before the next page loads. **

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Field is required!
Copy the ink to your music/video here
Please enter a valid url
Please enter a valid url
Additional information (optional)
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Field is required!